Monday, July 22, 2013

Sorting Through the Retina MacBook Pro Rumors

As always the rumors surrounding Apple include everything from facts to wild wishful thinking. This year's Worldwide Development Conference (WWDC) left a lot of MacBook Pro users a bit disappointed. There was a lot of expectation about a new Retina MacBook Pro being announced, but the subject was never broached. Especially disappointing for those who were already shopping for an upgraded MacBook Pro cover.

Let's take a look at some of the info coming out of the Geekbench results database. It is expected that both the MacBook Air and the anticipated Retina Mac Pro will run Build 13A2050 of OS X Mavericks. Apple is also working to improve power consumption and extend battery life. They decreased the MacBook Air's energy thanks to Intel's Haswell platform. That may not be possible due to the Pro-Retina's high energy display. So will the Retina display actually happen? We think so. In our opinion Apple is putting all non-Retina displays out to pasture. Not that we want to start new rumors. Truth be told only time will tell where Apple and its Mac products are headed.

Monday, July 15, 2013

iOS7: The End of the Video Camera Era?

The new iOS7 is set take techie fan love to a whole new level. Especially for you Instagram junkies and amateur video auteurs.

One of the coolest new features is the iOS7 zoom technology. Users will now be able to zoom in and out while recording, as well as take a still photo during filming.

The developers testing the beta version have released a few videos and the new features look both exciting and user friendly. The mechanics are the same as on previous versions--by placing two fingers on the screen you can expand or retract with a simple pinch. Rumor has it that when you zoom a slider will appear to help you get the photo just right. And users may be able to tap in to focus on their subjects while recording. With these kind of advancements it may be just a matter of time before video cameras are obsolete.

Before you start zooming and tapping remember to keep your iPad or iPhone 5 protected with a high quality cover or protective skin. The iOS7 can do some pretty magical things but a built in force field isn't one of them, so make sure you have the best available tablet and smart phone accessories.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What Came out of the WWDC

Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) was once again a success. The perenial tech leader revealed its strategy (or part of) for combating the rapidly growing Android market. News coming out of the conference was especially interesting for iOS users.

Hang onto your iPhone 4s skin cover!. The iPhone and iPad interfaces are undergoing exciting updates that will give them a cutting-edge and elegant new look. The iOS7 operating system and its many new features will give your device a brand new look. Cool for you and a smart brand loyalty play on Apple's part.

Presenters at the conference described the interface as a "crystal clear pane of layered glass" with icons that appear flat. The home screen boasts a 3D-like experience when you shift your phone and a semi-translucent keyboard. Apple seems poised to reassert itself as the leader in cool, minimilistic design.

We have a feeling that many people on the cusp of switching to an Android will now reconsider. iOS7 will be available in the fall for iPhone 4 and newer models as well as iPad 2 and newer models. A BETA version has already been released for developers to begin working on.

If you've already got a premium iPad cover be patient, your cover + tablet combo is about to get an iOS7 upgrade. If not, shop now so you're ready for the upgrade when it arrives!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rumors of a Redesigned Macs

WWDC is around the corner—it starts Monday, June 10 to be exact—and rumors are spreading like wildfire, some which sound like very distinct possibilities. Who knows—we all may be in the market for new MacBook Pro covers much sooner than many of us imagined!

 Several bloggers have leaked a huge one about the possibility of refreshed, 2013 models of both the MacBook Pro Retina and Air. The buzz is that the Pro Retina model would boast a slimmer profile and its processor would be bumped up to the Intel Haswellchip. The 2013 MacBook Air may receive a battery-saving Haswell processor and much overdue dual-microphones, though the possibility of a Retina display may be more unlikely, as the added cost would make it very challenging at present.

 Since Apple has promised to redesign their desktop computers by the end of this year, it’s expected that they will make some sort of announcement at WWDC next week. After all, with more than 20,000 likes on the “We Want a New Macpro” Facebook page, they have to respond in some way. Lou Borella, the administrator of the page, wrote that it was implied to him that the new Mac Pro would feature support for dual-GPUs and that it would be heavily reliant on Thunderbolt. He also blogged of rumors that Apple would be making a radical move toward having no FireWire 800 ports or optical drives on its new Mac Book Pro.

In addition, it’s been rumored that the new Mac Pro would have no internal expandability, and therefore, the Apple desktop would fall in line with all other one-size-fits-all computers.

 Last but not least, you may have time to shop for accessories and cool MacBook pro covers. It’s rumored that, even though the computer-focused WWDC appears to be the ideal time for new release, the unveiling of a redesigned Mac Pro would most likely take place in the fall.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Will the next iPad Mini change the device pricing game?

As usual, iPads rumors abound. And just when you thought you bought your last premium iPad cover, you may be putting an iPad Mini on your shopping list sooner than you thought. As Apple development theories were passed around, the latest group of journalists hinted towards a marked shift at Apple towards developing less-expensive devices. A recent report by Citi Research noted rumblings that the next iPad Mini may be priced below its predecessor, which is currently sold for $329. A letter to investors written by Citigroup’s Glenn Yeung actually declared that Apple is shifting toward more inexpensive products.

Yeung indicated that the trend will most likely persist, noting the expectation of the release of a low-end iPhone slated for September launch, followed by a new iPad Mini that may be priced lower than $250. This all sounds like what goes on in the fashion world—a mix of high-low that results in the perfectly affordable ensemble.

What does this mean for the rest of the marketplace? Will the cost of the various accessories and accoutrements likewise get lower? Will the price of a premium iPad cover go down? In their report, Citi Research admitted that the trend towards more inexpensive devices is unavoidable, especially now that the market is flooded with Androids and tablets from other manufacturers—a pattern that is present throughout the entire mobile device industry. Competition among Smartphones is fierce, and the accessories and case market has grown exponentially.

This may work out well for consumers—ownership of tablets and high-tech cell phones may now be within reach for those who never dreamed they could afford to own a device. Plus, the competition will drive every manufacturer to maintain, if not improve, the quality and features provided with their products. Instead of giving up that amazing retina display you coveted to save some money, you may now get to have a cutting-edge tablet with no sacrifices involved.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sleek premium protection no longer limited to iPad covers

StealthArmor, a leader when it comes to sleek protection for the ubiquitous line of Apple products, has expanded its lineup of offerings—what was once limited to users looking for a premium iPad cover or skins for iPhone 4s, 5s and their predecessors, are now available to a wide array of Android devices.

When the company recently reported a “new look” for their brand and relaunched their website, consumers may have thought the line would remain limited to Apple product users who were lucky enough to own a premium iPad cover by StealthArmor. Yet what that really meant was that they were expanding their brand not just for Apple users, but for many other device brands in the game.

This is exciting news for the ever growing legion of those who own Android Smartphones and tablets. If you once coveted one of the brand’s killer skins for iPhone 4s, those days are over. This sleek device protection is made with the same heat-bonding technology and top quality, scratch-resistant polymer material designed for the automotive racing industry to protect car exteriors from flying asphalt and rocks. With adhesive features, StealthArmor’s cases are ultra slim and free of bulk, so you can fully enjoy the sleek silhouette of all the new devices on the market. In addition, the brand’s array of hip, stylish options lets you express yourself and maintain your own personal style.

As the first manufacturer to introduce carbon fiber protection for mobile devices, StealthArmor is an expert in offering unrivalled protection to users with a penchant for products on the cutting edge of technology. Every one of these adhesive finishes is easy to install and remove, without leaving any unsightly residue, so you can change your style whenever you want a little transformation in your life. You can’t go wrong by wrapping your devices with one of the protective skins from this cool, cutting edge brand.

Friday, May 17, 2013

iPad 5 rumors

When the iPad 4 release was announced during Apple's October 2012 event, many were surprised, but few expected news of an iPad 5 so early this year. It may be time to start planning your purchase of the new device and accessories—of course, the most important being a premium iPad cover that offers superb protection for this potentially invaluable new device.

Here are a few of the rumors that are currently spreading across the internet:

  1. Size. Of course, it’s been implied that Apple is releasing an even slimmer, more lightweight iPad. We’re talking 9.7 inches. At that size, you’d almost think an iPhone 4s skin cover would do the job of protecting the new model. With the iPad 3’s dimensions in mind, it makes sense that Apple will try to reduce the weight and thickness of the device in this next go-around. A slimmed-down version is definitely rumored to be in the works, and Digitimes claims Apple will reduce the weight of the new iPad by swapping one LED light bar instead of the two that that were introduced with the New iPad. This would result in less power consumed and therefore, the possibility of iPad 5 running on a smaller, thinner battery. Again, it sounds like this sleeker version could almost fit into a nice iPhone 4s skin cover! 

  2. Release date. Apple notoriously likes to surprise the attendees of its fall events, which usually take place in October. Some solid sources claim we’ll see an overhauled iPad 5 as soon as September 2013. That gives us all time to save up for the best new accessories and a premium iPad cover. However, accessory manufacturer MiniSuit leaked that the new iPad may be released in June, a tidbit that Gizmorati seems to agree with.

  3. Price cuts. Sometimes a clear indicator is the sale of a product’s predecessors. On April 3, Wal-Mart, MacMall and Best Buy all slashed prices of iPad 3s and iPad Minis by almost 30 percent. Hmm.

Monday, May 13, 2013

A new reason to find the best HP TouchPad cover

When HP lowered the TouchPad’s price to $99 last year, the tablet obviously experience a surge in demand. From that point on, the perfect HP TouchPad cover was in as much demand as a premium iPad cover in the marketplace. Yet some users complained about the lack of new apps being developed for this device—call it iPad jealousy or simply a desire to stay on the cutting edge. But now, a Kickstarter project entitled Phoenix, aims to alleviate these issues that all webOS device users face.

Phoenix raised $35,000 to cover the development costs incurred by porting the OpenMobile Application Compatibility Layer over to webOS devices such as the HP TouchPad. Once the ACL is ported to webOS, users will then be able to run Android apps on their HP TouchPad. Since the full amount was raised through Kickstarter, the software is now on track for a July launch. Guess you may want to get that HP TouchPad cover after all—chances are you’ll be using your device a lot more than you originally thought.

Phoenix is now seeking to raise additional funds so they can add support for apps requiring Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and up. At present, the recently created software only supports apps designed for the 2.x range of Androids. This limits the use of some apps, and especially puts constraints on those who want to play the latest games.

The developers at Phoenix are also seeking hardware partners to help launch a webOS-powered Smartphone. We’re not sure if that is a necessary move, considering how hard of a time one of the former market leaders, BlackBerry, is having in the competition-laden marketplace. Either way, HP TouchPad users may grow more reliant on their devices, and find themselves putting the same amount of energy into finding protection for their device as many tablet users put into finding a premium iPad cover.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

California court rules may change the game for Smartphone users

iphone 4s skin
In recent rulings by a California court in Fresno, a Superior Court judge ruled that the law banning cellular phone use while operating a motor vehicle also applies to using mapping applications such as Google Maps while driving. This law applies to both California residents and visitors—it may be best to put that Smartphone and the cute iPhone 4s skin cover you got for it away before you get behind the wheel.
Section 21123 of the California Vehicle Code was initially instituted in regards to talking on the phone and texting while driving. In January 2012, a man challenged a section 21123 citation, claiming the law didn’t apply to his situation, as he was using his phone to obtain driving directions. However, section 21123 states “a person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone unless that telephone is specifically designed and configured to allow hands-free listening and talking, and is used in that manner while driving.”

Using the phone is using it, though the defendant argued that the section was specific to voice calls, and referred to the fact that a statute had to be added later to include texting. Therefore, he posted that the law should be revised again if the section was to include the use of GPS mapping applications.
Superior Court of California Judge W. Kent Hamlin ruled that the use of any application that requires hands-on interaction while driving is illegal under section 21123. However, the law is specific to hand usage, therefore, a driver can still use the apps by mounting the phone on the dashboard so it can be programmed beforehand and viewed. So plop your phone in a cool, adhesive iPhone 4s skin cover, mount it on the dash and you’re good to go! Note that if you need to change your destination or route, California vehicle code requires you to make a complete stop before changing the information you input into the Smartphone.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

MacBook Pro rumors

mac book air
MacBook Pro users are loyal to their brand—and if you’ve ever owned one, you understand. These lightweight laptops are indispensable. The minute you get one, you find yourself rushing out to get a variety of MacBook pro covers to protect it from damage—because once your grow to rely on it, you never want to be without it. It’s the same for iPad users, who understand the need to protect their precious devices—there are few tablets purchased without the addition of a premium iPad cover.

Rumors now abound about what’s next for the MacBook series. With Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) kicking off on June 10, the forecasts and projections are exciting Mac users. For starters, many sources claim that production of the new models will begin right around mid-May.  As you can imagine, this has consumers waiting with baited breath—they’re already picking out their accessories and MacBook Pro covers.

KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo recently issued a report forecasting that the new MacBook models will be based on Intel's latest Haswell processors. And while Kuo’s earlier 2013 predictions suggested that Apple may discontinue the non-Retina MacBook Pro lineup in order to introduce a slimmer Retina line that would also be pricier it looks like that has changed. After analyzing the continued strength of the non-Retina MacBook Pro models, Kuo now believes that production of the non-Retina lineup will continue.

Since the 13” MacBook Pro is currently the most popular product in the MacBook line, it seems that Apple will continue to make the MacBook Pro in addition to the Air and Retina models.  When there is demand, it only make sense to continue offering a product line to loyal customers and potential new ones. 

So while tablet users continue to purchase a premium iPad cover and other accessories for their invaluable iPads, the MacBook users can take a breath—they can still get the low cost, super sleek notebook line that won their hearts in the first place.