Monday, July 15, 2013

iOS7: The End of the Video Camera Era?

The new iOS7 is set take techie fan love to a whole new level. Especially for you Instagram junkies and amateur video auteurs.

One of the coolest new features is the iOS7 zoom technology. Users will now be able to zoom in and out while recording, as well as take a still photo during filming.

The developers testing the beta version have released a few videos and the new features look both exciting and user friendly. The mechanics are the same as on previous versions--by placing two fingers on the screen you can expand or retract with a simple pinch. Rumor has it that when you zoom a slider will appear to help you get the photo just right. And users may be able to tap in to focus on their subjects while recording. With these kind of advancements it may be just a matter of time before video cameras are obsolete.

Before you start zooming and tapping remember to keep your iPad or iPhone 5 protected with a high quality cover or protective skin. The iOS7 can do some pretty magical things but a built in force field isn't one of them, so make sure you have the best available tablet and smart phone accessories.

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