Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What Came out of the WWDC

Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) was once again a success. The perenial tech leader revealed its strategy (or part of) for combating the rapidly growing Android market. News coming out of the conference was especially interesting for iOS users.

Hang onto your iPhone 4s skin cover!. The iPhone and iPad interfaces are undergoing exciting updates that will give them a cutting-edge and elegant new look. The iOS7 operating system and its many new features will give your device a brand new look. Cool for you and a smart brand loyalty play on Apple's part.

Presenters at the conference described the interface as a "crystal clear pane of layered glass" with icons that appear flat. The home screen boasts a 3D-like experience when you shift your phone and a semi-translucent keyboard. Apple seems poised to reassert itself as the leader in cool, minimilistic design.

We have a feeling that many people on the cusp of switching to an Android will now reconsider. iOS7 will be available in the fall for iPhone 4 and newer models as well as iPad 2 and newer models. A BETA version has already been released for developers to begin working on.

If you've already got a premium iPad cover be patient, your cover + tablet combo is about to get an iOS7 upgrade. If not, shop now so you're ready for the upgrade when it arrives!

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