Thursday, May 30, 2013

Will the next iPad Mini change the device pricing game?

As usual, iPads rumors abound. And just when you thought you bought your last premium iPad cover, you may be putting an iPad Mini on your shopping list sooner than you thought. As Apple development theories were passed around, the latest group of journalists hinted towards a marked shift at Apple towards developing less-expensive devices. A recent report by Citi Research noted rumblings that the next iPad Mini may be priced below its predecessor, which is currently sold for $329. A letter to investors written by Citigroup’s Glenn Yeung actually declared that Apple is shifting toward more inexpensive products.

Yeung indicated that the trend will most likely persist, noting the expectation of the release of a low-end iPhone slated for September launch, followed by a new iPad Mini that may be priced lower than $250. This all sounds like what goes on in the fashion world—a mix of high-low that results in the perfectly affordable ensemble.

What does this mean for the rest of the marketplace? Will the cost of the various accessories and accoutrements likewise get lower? Will the price of a premium iPad cover go down? In their report, Citi Research admitted that the trend towards more inexpensive devices is unavoidable, especially now that the market is flooded with Androids and tablets from other manufacturers—a pattern that is present throughout the entire mobile device industry. Competition among Smartphones is fierce, and the accessories and case market has grown exponentially.

This may work out well for consumers—ownership of tablets and high-tech cell phones may now be within reach for those who never dreamed they could afford to own a device. Plus, the competition will drive every manufacturer to maintain, if not improve, the quality and features provided with their products. Instead of giving up that amazing retina display you coveted to save some money, you may now get to have a cutting-edge tablet with no sacrifices involved.

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